Creative BREAK OUT

Supporting You with self care Masterclasses

Interactive Peer Support & Self Care
This is a great way for professionals and service providers to be proactive in supporting their mental health and wellbeing.
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Each class provides:
  • 1.5 hours of Self Care & Development
  • Exploring different, fun & creative ways to understand, express and to relax
  • In a safe supportive space for Reflection
  • To Revitalise YOU


For many years I have witnessed increased burn out, trauma and fatigue impacting service providers and overwhelmed professionals and parents in our community. I know that
self care is vital for our individual sustainability and productivity both at play and in the workplace. At Artventurous I am so excited to offer custom designed and facilitated creative masterclasses with you in mind. Specifically to help all those who feel the everyday pressure to perform - in a space where you can come and take care of your wellbeing.

Come and let yourself be supported!
Package @ $450 for 6 x 1.5 hr classes.

Next Masterclasses
Starting on March 23rd at 12:00pm (noon) every Wednesday for six weeks


We invite you to join this group of like-minded professionals to learn creative strategies.
Lower anxiety, encourage relaxation and learn to unwind by combining art with therapy, in a fun and supportive environment.
What’s Involved?
Creative activities
  • Painting
  • Drawing
  • Clay work
Discussion on topics such as
  • Work/life responsibility
  • The impact of expectations
  • Burnout and how to recognise it
  • Ways to decrease stress
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The goal of this creative experience that you leave every masterclass with new knowledge and ideas to empower you in your life.
Each class in designed for professional service providers and careers in mind. Talking about relatable topics. Providing applicable learning for self care, insight and personal growth.

Let’s welcome in a new norm - wellbeing at home and the workplace.
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Results Include:
Increased resilience, productivity and a greater capacity for you to ENJOY YOUR LIFE!
This group is called BREAK OUT as sometimes that is what we need the most.
A break, a moment of peace and for someone to listen without expectation. To be seen AND heard.
These Masterclasses are a collaboration with Artventurous.
Providing a unique opportunity for you to get the support and tools you need for success in Life and in your Career.
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Testimonials from previous participants in similar groups…

“I really enjoyed the information provided regarding the anxiety I felt at work. Learning my own creative expression has encouraged me so much”…. Rae

“It was surprising for me, that I could draw something that helped me make sense of the accident at work”…. Bob

“Maybe it was the acceptance, and relaxing space, I don’t know but I didn’t think I was creative until I joined this group. The topics and reflective exercises really helped me let go of anxieties and stress from work and enjoy being with my family more”… Jo-anne

“This experience has saved my life, providing other ways to cope”.… Tim

“Everyone experiences work differently and I can now be OK to admit when I need help, and I enjoy the ‘getting it out’ on paper”… Leah